斯坦利·R. 自由

2005 - 2011年总统

2005年,斯坦·利伯蒂校长作为凯特林第六任校长来到校园, he said he was looking forward to "facilitating the development of strong collaborative partnerships between Kettering and both private and public sector entities in Flint and the surrounding region."

在缅因州格雷出生并长大. 斯坦利·R. 利伯蒂毕业于波特兰的切弗鲁斯高中. 他获得了学士学位, 在圣母大学获得电气工程硕士和博士学位.

Dr. 利伯蒂来自伊利诺伊州皮奥里亚的布拉德利大学.自1998年1月起,他一直担任教务长兼学术事务副校长. 在加入布莱德利之前, he served as dean of engineering for 13 years at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and as the university's interim vice chancellor for academic affairs. 他是内布拉斯加州在美国科学技术委员会的代表, 全国州长协会的一个工作小组, 他在科学和技术问题上为州长奥尔和纳尔逊提供建议.

He also served as department chair of electrical engineering at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, 维吉尼亚州, 也是德克萨斯理工大学的一名教员, 他是德克萨斯理工大学能源研究中心的创始主任, 研究生院副院长,德州能源咨询委员会成员. 在他的学术生涯之前, 他被海军设施工程司令部聘为设计工程师. Dr. 利伯蒂的研究得到了包括国家科学基金会在内的几个联邦机构的资助, NASA和海军研究办公室.

2005年,斯坦·利伯蒂校长作为凯特林第六任校长来到校园, he said he was looking forward to “facilitating the development of strong collaborative partnerships between Kettering and both private and public sector entities in Flint and the surrounding region.”

问问雷格·贝尔教授就知道了. “诚信, a keen sensitivity to the concerns of others and vision are just a few of Stan 自由’s many qualities of character,贝尔说.  尽管他是凯特林六任校长中任期最短的, 斯坦的成就是巨大的,并将持续下去.”

或者问问贝尔最喜欢的学生, 加里·考格,1970年, 正规的赌博app董事会主席:“我代表董事会和我自己, I'd like to thank Stan and Angie 自由 for their dedicated service to our University during six of the toughest years in its history. The last four years have seen an economic crisis unparalleled in this country since the great depression. 尽管困难重重, 斯坦推动了凯特林的发展,并加深了我们与社区的联系, 城市和州. 我们祝他们好运,希望他们能经常来学校看我们。”考格补充道.

在利伯蒂总统的领导下, 凯特林拓展了其学术实力和经济足迹. 2005-2011年在校成绩包括:

  • 开设新的学位课程, 未成年人和集中的领域, 包括医学预科, 法律系的, 生物信息学, 工程物理, 化学工程, 重组商学学位,开办和扩大工商管理硕士课程.
  • 获得全国创业创新一等奖.
  • 完成正规的赌博app创新中心的建设和奉献.  
  • Completed construction of the Dane and Mary Louise Miller Life Sciences and Bio-Engineering Laboratories, 扩大生物化学和医学预科课程.
  • 领导将弗林特变成大学城.
  • 拥抱弗林特文化中心, allowing students ready access to music and art extracurricular activities and lessons for the first time in University history.
  • 通过新的交流项目扩大凯特林在中国的国际影响力, 适用于本科生和专业人士.  
  • 社区的志愿服务激增.
  • 凯特林与第一个的合作增加了一倍,达到每年两场大型比赛.
  • 在密歇根经济衰退期间调整了大学的规模.
  • 在校园接待特别访客,包括参议员巴拉克·奥巴马和瑞典国王.


Kettering’s new institutional mission and strategic plan allowed the University to become an active partner in regional economic development for the first time. Dr. 自由女神像接待了贝克学院的校长们, Mott 社区 College and the U-Michigan-Flint in February 2006 to unveil the "College Town" slogan: “Preparing a workforce for the knowledge economy.这是由四家教育合作伙伴共同主办的众多“大学城”倡议中的第一个.

“Stan brought a level of expertise and enthusiasm to the table that always enhanced deliberations and promoted positive solutions well beyond Kettering,”医生说。. 朱丽安·T. 他是弗林特贝克学院的校长. “斯坦和安吉的参与一直使整个地区受益. It has been a personal and professional pleasure to know them as friends and colleagues; they will be missed!”


  • Established the Region 6 office of the Michigan Small Business and Technology Development Center (MSBTDC) on campus in 2007, 2010年,哪家公司帮助76位客户投资了21美元.创造257个就业岗位和27个新企业.
  • Created business incubation facilities and a business start-up and growth accelerator (Tech Works) focused on advanced technology commercialization.
  • Kettering's sponsored research activities are growing and a first faculty "spin-out" company has been created based on Kettering owned intellectual property.

“自由总统无疑为这个地区的力量做出了切实的贡献,蒂姆·赫尔曼说, 杰纳西地区商会首席执行官. “He has done an outstanding job fostering research and integrating Kettering into the Flint community. Both 正规的赌博app and the region have benefited greatly from his focus on academic excellence and his visionary leadership,赫尔曼说.


Dr. 乔尔·贝里教授兼机械工程系主任说. 自由有助于为学生和教师注入创新思想的氛围. “He understood the need to move Kettering's mindset from the traditional corporate model to one where risk taking and innovation in thought and deed was the norm,” Dr. 贝瑞说.  对凯特林的未来有一个愿景和框架, 他展现了一种至关重要的开拓精神,这种精神只会传播和发展,以确保我们的未来.”

作为国家指定的弗林特能源卓越中心的重要机构成员, Kettering continues to conduct research on enhancement of bio-methane production in collaboration with the City of Flint and Swedish Biogas International.

在C的资助下.S. 莫特基金会,凯特琳先进的营销和品牌努力. 媒体报道飙升至历史最高水平——2010年超过2.5万次媒体点击.  此外,我们还介绍了m.凯特林.edu,一个移动应用程序. 自由的说.  “The number of alumni events have been increased so the Kettering story can be told to and by GMI/Kettering alumni.”

Kettering's diversity initiatives - specifically its pre-college programs – received strong external financial support, and in 2009 Kettering's AIM program was named “Pre-college Program of the Year” by The National Association of Multicultural Engineering Professional Advocates.  凯特林的生命计划, 为年轻女性开设的大学预科课程, received the 2010 WEPAN Women in Engineering Initiative Award for advancing women in engineering (WEPAN stands for Women in Engineering ProActive Network).

教职员评议会主持人. Laura Sullivan博士说. 自由 demonstrated that he delivered on his promises and served as a role model in serving society without expectation or the need for accolades. “和他一起工作是我的荣幸, and I am grateful for the support that he has given to me and to the students of Engineers Without Borders,她接着说. “我对凯特林的未来感到兴奋,但我也想要凯特林博士. 要知道他对它的过去有多么宝贵.”


Dr. 自由 ended Kettering’s limited options for students seeking the fine and performing arts while on campus.  “We established 凯特林的艺术 in collaboration with the Flint Institutes of Music/Flint Youth Theater and The Flint Institute of Arts,” Dr. 自由的解释. “该项目对所有凯特林学生免费开放,完全是课外活动.  学生们可以参加乐器或声乐的私人课程,并在合奏中表演. They also participate in a wide variety of workshops ranging from photography to theater and dance.”

约翰B. 亨利三世, 弗林特艺术学院院长, said the College Town initiative helped overcome the reluctance of students to venture beyond the boundaries of their own campuses. “有了斯坦的支持和远见, the goal of students participating in the rich cultural offerings in this community is being realized. 我们祝愿斯坦和安吉未来一切顺利。”他说.


Kettering became better connected to the Flint community through his involvement on various boards including the 社区 Foundation of Greater Flint. 此外,他的妻子安吉(Angie)在弗林特文化中心公司(Flint Cultural Center Corp .)担任董事.,斯隆-朗威之友和凯特林的图书馆和档案之友(FOLA).

“It was always clear that he understood his leadership role at Kettering to include a strong community commitment, 如果凯特林的家乡在苦苦挣扎,那么成功是不够的,凯西·霍顿说, 大弗林特社区基金会主席. “他希望在建立一个更具经济活力的社区方面发挥作用, 一个准备在未来取得成功的人,而不仅仅是执着于过去的荣耀.”

Dr. 斯坦利·R. 自由

Dr. 斯坦利·R. 自由

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